Hawthorn's BEST Gym - Rated by Members!

Hawthorn's BEST Gym - Rated by Members!

Earlier this year, we asked our members to give us their honest (and anonymous) feedback on their experience at Hawthorn’s Gym - Visions Fitness Centre. Well, we’re proud to share the results and you’ll soon see why. Of course - it’s not all sunshine and roses. We’ve got things to work on, requested equipment to buy and suggestions to reflect upon. But we wouldn’t have lasted 40 years if we weren’t expert listeners and agile in our business approach, not just our fitness prowess.

Get Ready For Hawthorn's Best Gym

Get Ready For Hawthorn's Best Gym

There is no such thing as being unprepared for the gym. Everyone is a beginner in some way, we’re just at different points. Having said that, we get it, you might not feel 100% ready - yet! To help you out, we’ve compiled our 5 best movements to get you moving right, loosened up and feeling more prepared to get started.

40 Years Strong - Hawthorn's Gym Celebrates Four Decades Keeping the Community Active, Strong and Feeling Good

Hey Visions community,

What a month it’s been. On Feb 1st we hit the big 40. Wow.

Thanks to everyone who has made it a special month and shared so many great memories.

It gave us a great opportunity to reflect on our wonderful history. We dug into the archives and found some beauties to share. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

It can be a cliché phrase, but we honestly mean it when we say this place is more than just a gym.


On the 1st February 1984, aged just 24 and a budding physiotherapist, Wayne opened ‘Visions Aerobics Centre’ at the beginning of the aerobics craze (yes, that was a thing). Decked-out in a large amount of fluoro lycra, Visions regularly entered, and even won, state and national aerobics competitions.


Where did the name ‘Visions’ come from?

Wayne wanted Visions to be a place where people felt comfortable in themselves and could exercise without feeling self-conscious and worried about how they looked. With this in mind, all aerobics classes were conducted in semi-dark lighting, where the emphasis was on the exercise – not how you looked doing it!

In addition to this, Visions housed an enormous projector screen which played music video clips during the aerobic classes. The music videos were manually taped from episodes of the ABC’s ‘Rage’ music show, before being grape-vined to on the Visions gym floor. If you are a copyright lawyer you never read this…

Between the semi-dark lighting and the big screen, it only seemed fitting that the name of the gym should be called ‘Visions’. 

Like many small businesses, times in the beginning were tough, and Wayne lived on bread and water and often slept in the gym's office to help make ends meet. But gradually the reputation of Visions grew and it became an established Hawthorn institution known for its fun vibes, quality fitness facilities and just generally as a place where anyone and everyone was welcome to be a part of its community. 

Wayne was lucky enough to have the tireless support from Norma, his Mum, who worked here religiously for over 25 years. You can see Norma in many of the photos, including the one where she has a screw-driver in hand fixing equipment. That was Norma, tough as nails and always a big smile.


With the addition of a couple of mezzanines, a few pieces of gym equipment were gradually added to the upstairs area. As a result, Visions Aerobics Centre became Visions Fitness Centre. ‘Circuit classes’ became popular, where participants would rotate between seated pin-loaded weights machines.

You might notice some unusual looking blue equipment in some of the photos. This was a ‘state of the art’ range of equipment which used hydraulic pressure technology to generate resistance, instead of weight stacks. Maybe not so surprisingly, this trend came and went relatively quickly.

 The 90s also saw the beginning of our Burwood road sign. Almost every month for three decades, a new sign has been erected. For the first 20 years, the sign was a fluorescent colour with hand-painted letters. As a kid, Pat remembers being up the ladder painting that sign from a disturbingly young age.


Nods to our history

Things that we’ve brought back:

·       On-site physio

·       Air-bikes

·       Classes in the dark

·       The big screen



Aerobics began to lose some of its popularity in the late 90s, so by the turn of the century we had filled the entire gym space with equipment and bid a teary farewell to aerobics at Visions. Sadly, fluoro-lycra began to disappear through this period as well, however thankfully some of our long-term members still choose to persist with various versions of their 90s activewear.

Through this decade we installed a small boxing room downstairs, decked the gym out in then-fashionable blue carpet 😳 and installed over 100 pieces of pin-loaded and cardio equipment. During this era, machines (weights and cardio) ruled.

2010s - Now

In 2013, we tragically lost Wayne, which saw Pat step in as owner. This was a tough time, but the gym community rallied around one-another, especially the staff, and Wayne’s legacy lived on. Nick deserves more than a mention at this point. He stepped up and took management of the gym the day Wayne passed away and subsequently managed the business for the next several years. On top of running a successful team and business, Nick has had an invaluable hand in physically maintaining and updating every inch of the facility at Visions over 15 years. The hours and effort he has (and still does) put into this place are immeasurable.

Even by its own standards, the fitness industry changed dramatically this decade. Commercial 24/7 chains and cross fit gyms began opening everywhere. Functional movements (for example: squats, deadlifts and kettlebell movements) was becoming popular, as was the flexibility to train early and late. So, as we always have, we adapted. 

For example, in 2012, we had one squat rack that was barely used. By 2020, we had seven. We gradually chipped away at the equipment that was used less often, creating space and keeping the gym constantly updated with new toys and new ideas. We are excited to continue this in 2024.

Many of these innovations were led by Michael, who started here in 2015, after being a member since 2008. Michael injected a passion for fitness that has played a major part in the direction the gym has taken, not just in terms of the equipment we house, but more importantly, in the way we use the equipment and our holistic approach to fitness more generally. He also reinstated classes at Visions, running boxing classes in the back alleyway, which gradually made it onto the gym floor in 2019 and then into our dedicated group training room in 2020. We’re still encouraging him to bring back some aerobics.


During the pandemic, which saw us closed for 367 days in total, we didn’t sit still. On top of running online classes and community-building activities to support our communit, we also renovated the facility from top-to-bottom. We painted every square inch, introduced new equipment and installed an access control system that allowed us to open 5am-midnight.

We estimate to have served over 100,000 people in the last 40 years. That’s a lot of endorphins and healthy habits this place has enabled. We make special mention to Florence and Min, two ‘old ducks’ (self-described!) who have been much-loved Visions stalwarts since the beginning.

The list of people who deserve to be thanked is too long. Those people know how important they are to the fabric of this gym and its history. We can only hope we have left an impression on them that’s as significant as what they left on us.


Our team today is something special. Led by Michael and Brooke, our staff are genuinely dedicated to the Visions legacy - creating a friendly, inviting space for our community to train and feel good (they also happen to know a great deal about health and fitness).

We are not perfect, and in a way, we don’t want to be - we’re not promoting perfection. We’re promoting being active and how good it feels. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite athlete or a complete beginner, movement is good for the body and mind. From the equipment, to the atmosphere, to the knowledge, and the support – our goals is the same as it was in 1984 - to help you feel good being active.


We hope you enjoyed a peak into this gym’s history and how much love has gone into it across 40 years. You’re a part of it, after all.

Happy Birthday Visions.

Pat and The Visions team

Starting 2024 on the Right Foot: Five Tips from Hawthorn's Gym

Starting 2024 on the Right Foot: Five Tips from Hawthorn's Gym

Each year, when Visions first opens its doors, the buzz is electric. Many of us are eager to set resolutions that prioritise our health and well-being, and we encourage that. However, making New Year's resolutions stick can be a challenge. To help you embark on a successful fitness journey, here are five tips to help ensure your fitness resolutions become a lasting part of your lifestyle.

Finding the best gym in Hawthorn – the Ultimate Guide

It’s the same old question: “what’s the best gym near me?”. That’s a great question. But where do you start?!

Well, we’ve been helping Hawthorn stay healthy, active and feeling good for forty years (well, almost – we hit the big 4-0 in Feb!). We’ve seen what gets people in the door, but also what keeps them there. Naturally, we also see what causes people to leave or fall out of routine. Below are our top 8 factors to search when looking for the right gym – in descending order, of course, to keep you on the edge of your seat.


Our top 8 factors to CONSIDER when looking for the Best gym


8. The right equipment

But this HAS is the most important thing, right?! Well, not really. Let us elaborate. We’re human. We see shiny things and are attracted to them. But it’s easy to see a room full of shiny new equipment and presume the box is ticked. However, shiny doesn’t mean quality. Fitness equipment should move smoothly and in a way that maximises on the biomechanics of the body. Many gyms have been equipped with the cheaper brands of equipment that don’t have the research and development-backed evidence behind their design. On the other hand, brands like Nautilus – equipment Visions is full of – have decades of prototyping and evolution behind them, culminating in final products that move in ways that maximise on the potential of the right muscles whilst preventing misalignment and injury. A benefit of an independent gym is that we’re not locked-in to a certain brand of equipment that people in a boardroom signed a contract to use. We can pick and choose from the best equipment out there. Sure, it might not ‘match’ as well, and some of it might be older and less shiny - but we’ve tried and tested what’s out there and chosen the best. And we’re constantly on the look out for more. In fact, we’re very excited for the equipment we’ve got planned for 2024.

With all this in mind, why has equipment come in at number 8? Because equipment doesn’t do the exercise – you do! And you don’t need all the shiny equipment to perform the right movements and achieve the goals you’ve set yourself. With the right guidance, you shouldn’t need to be locked into a certain piece of equipment to move well and be active. It should be the movement you learn, not the equipment.


7. The right expertise

Far more important than the right equipment, is the right knowledge. Whether inside a gym or your house, you should ideally be equipped with the knowledge about how to pick something up or move in a certain way to exercise certain parts of your body. Knowledge about movement is far more important than any single piece of equipment that might help you perform it.
At Visions, we call ourselves ‘Trainers’ for a reason – it’s our job to help educate you on what to do in the gym to achieve your goals.  Too many ‘professionals’ in our industry sit someone on a machine without offering adequate technique queues, let alone giving an explanation for their reason for including this particular movement into the workout program. At Visions, when we take someone for a free program, we do so with the goal of teaching more than directing. Learning the intricacies of activity and working out is one of the main reasons people grow to love fitness training – we’re interested and motivated to keep learning what our bodies (and minds) can gain from activity! So, when looking for a gym, make sure you feel like the gym is invested in this ‘sharing’ this type of knowledge with you - WHAT to move, WHEN to move, HOW to move, and most importantly, WHY to move!

With forty years experience in this industry, workout programming for both beginners and experienced gym-goers is our bread and butter. And all our members receive unlimited, free programs. Read more and book yourself in, here.


6. The right extras

What extras can the gym offer you? Of those, what will actually benefit you? Is a body-scan really going to help you? Maybe, maybe not. Will you really use the gym at 3am? Gee that ice bath does sound novel. For an extra $13 a week, do you need access to 48 other gyms?
A bit like shiny things, we tend to get enticed by that which we will likely never utilise, but often pay for. Of course, a lot of people make full use of these benefits, but most don’t. So make sure whatever gets put in front of you at contact-signing time, you weigh its true value.

Ultimately, the best optional extras are the ones that ARE optional - ones that are available if and when you need them. For example, personal training on your terms, not shoved down your throat. Or access to allied health professionals, extras like physiotherapy or massage therapy IF you need them. These extras are great to have available, particularly if you are new, rehabilitating from injury or just in need of some extra professional guidance or care. They each offer premium value to your overall health and fitness experience, but none of these should add a premium to the bottom-line of your membership by default.
Visions has each of these services and more. All are designed to integrate smoothly into your routine, but all are also optional.


5. The right membership packages and prices

Sadly its a fairly accurate stereotype of this industry that gyms will hide extra fees, charges and hidden catches into their memberships. Symbolic ‘admin’ fees that are ‘discounted today only’, special deals passed down from management just for you, contracts that are unexpectedly difficult to get out of and marketing lists you can’t seem to escape.

But not all gyms are like this. Try to find a gym with multiple membership packages for you to choose from, clear statements about fees, minimum terms and cancellation conditions. Visions’ membership page, for example, has more than half a dozen memberships available, including simple, up front payment options as well as no-minimum-term direct debit options for those not sure how long they are ready to commit for. All prices and fees are stated up front and clearly. This is best practice. Find a gym that is open, up front and clear about their options and of course, if it’s relevant to you, always ask about student options, too!

Price guidance itself depends on the area, the ‘brand’ and what’s being offered. Many group training gyms will start their pricing at $60-$75 per week - Visions is $35 p/week. Most gym-only offerings lock you in to a yearly contract at $18-$20 per week. Do the maths though - this is as much as $1040 in a year. At Visions, if you are willing to commit to a year, it’s only $710. If you’d like to discuss any memberships with the Visions team, we can walk you through our options and help you choose the best option for your circumstances. Get in touch here.

Do your best to see through the murky waters of gym contracts, but in an ideal world, a good gym will clear the water for you and make your decision easy!


4. The right location

Your chosen gym should to be convenient for you to attend. That means it needs to be close to home, your work place or somewhere along the route you take to and from! Places with good public transport, such as Hawthorn, make life a lot easier, too!

Having said that, if you love your gym, there’s a fair chance you’ll accept a little extra travel time for the many benefits of feeling happy, comfortable and satisfied with your space. Visions has many people who live multiple suburbs away (see our location, here), but choose to make the trip in - past dozens of other options 🥹. This is true love. And if you have an experience like this, hold on to it like you’re in a 90s rom-com - it’s special!


3. The right atmosphere

It’s one thing to consider the tangible things - facilities, equipment, memberships, etc. But what about the way the gym makes you feel? It’s tough attending a gym when the ‘vibe’ just isn’t good.
When you walk through the front doors, what’s your first impression of the atmosphere? Does it feel welcoming? What is your first interaction with the staff like? Are they super sales-y or are they speaking to you like a normal person? What is your impression of the members in the gym? Are you getting the intimidating side-eye or is everyone happily going about their business?
All of this will be subjective - people want different things in a gym. But in the end, we all want to feel comfortable. We all want to feel welcome. We all want to be around happy members and happy staff. Your first impression on the atmosphere is probably spot-on. Your ongoing impression will be a major factor in whether you end up using the gym or not.
Read a bit about Visions, here, or get an idea of our ‘vibe’ by checking our our instagram page.


2. The right services

Few things are as important as making sure your potential new gym offers the services you want! So the question is - what services are you looking for? Here’s a few ideas:

Of course, you don’t have to access all of these services in the one place, but often the convenience of having them in the one location, as well as the fact they will be better value when packaged together, is a genuine drawcard.
For example, many group training gyms will charge $60-75 per week and only offer group training class access - there is no opportunity to roll-up and do your own solo workout. Visions gives you the option to do both for just $45 per week. Many physiotherapy or massage therapy clinics will treat you and then suggest some exercises to take home or to your local gym. Sometimes translating these to your separate gym can be impractical or confusing. A gym like Visions offers the ability for the physio to walk around with you and take you through each exercise step-by-step AT the gym you have already joined, allowing you to stay comfortable in your existing space and confident in the exercises and equipment you’ve been guided on.

It’s a no-brainer to make sure you have access to the services you want - but if you can bundle some of those services into the one gym - then you’ll be as happy as Jane Fonda doing a grapevine.


1. The right approach

 The most important factor can sometimes be the most simple. What is your gym’s approach to health and fitness? Why is this so important? Because the approach of the gym will filter down into every other element of its existence.

A gym that cares about its community will naturally evoke a positive atmosphere. A gym that isn’t only in it for a buck will charge reasonable membership prices. A gym that cares for its members will care for its equipment. The list goes on. Avoid gyms where you feel like a walking dollar sign, or where the atmosphere is intimidating or gives the impression that how you look is more important than how you feel.

Naturally, we think our approach is an exemplary one. At Visions, you’ll be treated the same whether you’re an athlete or a nervous wreck who’s never stepped foot in a gym before. We’re a gym for everyone. We’ll always strive for our goal - to provide a comfortable, friendly and motivating space for our members to train - every member.
We will also spruik an approach that has stood the test of time - focus on how you feel when you train. Too many people arrive at the gym focused solely on achieving a future measurement - to lose weight, get stronger or get fitter. ALL are valid goals, but none are as important as focusing on how the gym makes you feel - which is inevitably ‘bloody great’. Reflecting on feeling better is an instant reward - measurements are not. Knowing that attending the gym feels good will make you look forward to returning after a break - feeling obliged to go to the gym and feeling guilty about not yet being at the ‘right’ measurement will not. Measurements can be important, but they aren’t the most important. You’re most likely to see change if you’re motivated to keep coming back.
In a survey a few years ago, 95% of our members noticed the psychological benefits of training and 75% of them said it was the main reason they trained, with another 22% stating it as a moderate reason. We’re ambitious to see that number higher, but we’re pretty proud regardless.

It’s simple, really.

The most encompassing factor to consider when joining a gym is whether your gym has the right priorities and the right approach - most of the other factors will neatly fall into place after that. Find yourself a gym that has a good environment and makes you feel good about wanting to train.

It’s surprisingly easy after that.


Group Training at Visions - Hawthorn's Gym

There’s nothing quite like the energy that comes from training with a group of like-minded, supportive people around you. Everyone is at different levels, everyone has different reasons for being there, but for the next 45 minutes we are a team with shared goals: to give it our all - and enjoy ourselves whilst doing it.

No two classes are the same at Visions. With oodles of combined experience behind them, our experienced trainers sit down and carefully plan out each class. Every movement, every interval and every tempo is intricately pieced together to ensure that you get the most out of your 45 minutes. See the timetable here.

There are many varieties of group training out there, but we believe Visions is pretty unique. You won’t be in a room of 40 people doing burpees, or surrounded by only chiseled bodies and boutique activewear. There won’t be chest bumping, chalk clapping or leadership boards. There’s a place for that in the fitness world, and that’s cool - but it’s not us. If you’ve read our previous blog, you’ll get it. At Visions there’ll be a mixed bunch of ages, abilities and appearances. The person next to you won’t be glancing over to judge you, they’ll likely be introducing themselves or rolling their eyes at another one of Michael’s bad jokes. You’ll get to know our few trainers, and they’ll get to know you. They’ll quickly pick up on your strengths and the areas you might be able to work on and offer a few pointers.

But in the end, we have one goal at Visions - to see our community walk out of the gym feeling good - both physically and mentally. And that’s one thing group training never fails at achieving.


Strong Room

At Visions we like to start our week in the Strong Room - setting ourselves up for success with a solid foundation laid!

Group classes shouldn’t just be about doing, they should be about learning and developing too! Taking you through all things barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell and bodyweight, our coaches methodically walk you through technique, helping you execute all lifts with a mix of control & power. This style of training is often underrated when it comes to injury prevention and our body’s general ability to move functionally in day-to-day life - not to mention being far more interesting for our participants!

If you’re new or getting back into your fitness, this class is for you! We’ll even find a way to throw a bit of cardio in there to keep you honest 😉 😤 .


Light Work

Before we installed dumbbell racks all those years ago, Visions was a non-stop-shop for cardio/aerobics classes (for a peak into our epic history, click here). We’re happy to have brought them back… but golly, haven’t things changed?! We miss the lycra, but will settle for a polite bon voyage to the grapevines 🙃.

Combining our rowers, ski ergs and echo bikes with an array of lightweight equipment we take you through both high and moderate intensity drills which not only heat us up in the early hours of the morning but take care of our tickers’ health, too 🫀.

No matter how tough some of the sessions look on the screen, there’s always a happy and willing class-compatriot nearby to help you through or just give you the “I’m with you 👊” look from across the room.

Don’t underestimate this class based on the name, but rest assured we all walk away charged with endorphins after Light Work ⚡️.



We all need a change-up from the traditional weights & cardio sometimes - and TKO packs a punch in terms of physical exertion and mental concentration. As our original group training offering, TKO has proudly evolved over the years from our downstairs dungeon to pride of place in the newly renovated upstairs space.

Staying as far away from ‘boxercise’ as possible, we work with beginners through to seasoned pro’s with a simple number system that makes for a totally inclusive class. Unique in its ability to give you an entry level look into an Olympic sport, this class combines focus, speed, power and endurance like no other. Name us a more satisfying feeling than nailing a complex boxing combination with speed and precision 👊😤 - prepare for incoming motivation and satisfaction.

Our trainers do an amazing job to make all feel welcome, and once you get through that tricky first session you’ll be repeating those number combos in your sleep as you crave the next hit of TKO.

Interested in giving it a shot? Start with a 10 day trial, on the house.

Group training at Hawthorn’s gym - Strength, HIIT/Cardio and Boxing classes